Revised 1 September 2024
Revised 1 September 2024
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The name of this club shall be the Sun Lakes Bocce Ball Club and is incorporated as a non-profit Organization in the State of Arizona.
The purpose of the Sun Lakes Bocce Ball Club is to initiate, promote and maintain the playing of bocce ball among all residents of Sun Lakes.
Section 1 Membership in the Club shall be open to all residents of the Sun Lakes communities.
Section 2 The annual dues are established by the Board of Directors (Board).
Section 3 The membership year shall begin October 1st of each year and end the following September 30th. Dues are payable each October and shall not be prorated for those individuals joining the Club later. Dues must be paid prior to playing. Those joining after the start of the first session may play the second session if dues are paid before the sessions begins.
Section 4 Two (2) Seasons are played annually; Season 1 starts end of October / Beginning of November and ends beginning of January. Season 2 starts mid to late January and ends mid to late March. Each session is followed by an awards party.
Section 5 Where required, it is the responsibility of the individual member and/or Household to obtain a recreation card at the Cottonwood Palo Verde Sun Lakes Homeowners Association (CWPVHOA) for Club participation prior to the start of play. This registration card must be presented to the Membership Manager prior to the start of initial Season play. The Membership Director will provide an accounting of members required to purchase recreation cards to the CWPVLHOA Recreation Manager after registration, Season 1 and 2.
Section 1 The Board shall be elected to conduct the business of the Club. It will consist of ten (10) Members: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director, Webmaster, Tournament Director, Equipment Manager, Publicity Director and Social Director(s).
Section 2 The Board shall have general supervision over the affairs of the Club; maintain regular communications with the CWPVHOA and membership. The Board will determine the date, time and place for Board and General Membership meetings.
The Board shall also determine and publicize the Division Play schedule for each season, including the Colander of Events, all communicated via the club’s website at
Section 1 The President shall preside at all meetings. He/she appoints, with approval of the Board members to serve standing and ad hoc committees, the replacement of Board members who leave before their term of office is completed and Board positions for which there were no candidates at the time of elections. The President is responsible for producing and distributing the agenda in advance of all meetings, including, but not limited to the monthly Board of Directors Meeting, Annual Wine and Cheese, Awards Banquets.
He/she directs, advises, and approves programs and other Club activities; provides continuity, ensures that rules and bylaws requirements are followed.
As the Clubs’ main interface with the Cottonwood-Palo Verde homeowners Association (CWPVHOA), when discussed with Board Members, the President shall relay service or other requests and/or interface with the appropriate Association Manager or Committee Heads (i.e., Recreation Manager, Maintenance / Grounds Managers and/or Committee Heads, etc.) as required to establish requirements as identified by the Board. The President will follow-up with the appropriate CWPVHOA individual(s) and/or committee and furnish updated reports to the Board at monthly meetings through completion of the activity.
When required the President is responsible for securing club sponsor(s) and communicating with said sponsor(s) regarding payments of sponsorship(s), attendance at club events and communication, utilizing the club’s website (
The President issues checks, as necessary, in the absence of the Treasurer.
When deemed appropriate, the President may approve limited spending by a Board member or committee chairperson. Checks in an amount greater than $400 require prior Board approval.
The President will produce written correspondence published in the club’s website ( and/or coordinating with the Publicity Director for correspondence in the CWPVHOA community publication SPLASH.
The President is elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected to successive terms by vote of the membership coupled with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 2 The Vice President (VP) shall function as President in His/her absence. The Vice President shall assist the President and Board members in any way needed to ensure the efficient functioning of the Club. The VP shall assist with the Membership Director at the annual CWPVHOA Open House, and with the Social Director for the Wine & Cheese Kick-Off event, and both Session’s Awards banquets.
The Vice President will also assist the Tournament Director with all activities related to the planning, scheduling and performance of the tournaments as required by the Director.
He/she will also perform other duties as assigned by the President.
It is the intent of the Vice President Position that He/she succeed the President upon the position vacancy, however this succession will require the approval of the Board of Directors prior to any advancement as President.
The Vice President is elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected to successive terms with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 3 The Secretary shall record the proceedings of all meetings of the Board and the
General Membership meetings and maintain a copy of any document discussed at those meetings, including the Treasurer’s monthly reconciliation. He/she shall distribute the Meeting Minutes to the Board members via email. He/she shall also maintain a copy of Club correspondence.
The Secretary will be required to interface with the club’s website ( to post activity correspondence as required.
The Secretary is elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected to successive terms with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 4 The Treasurer shall be responsible for receiving and disbursing Club funds for
Club activities and purchases. Checks in an amount greater than $400 must have prior Board Approval. The Treasurer will reconcile deposits made by members via the registration link in SportsEngine and advise the Membership Director of all such activity. The Treasurer shall deposit all other funds received (manual checks/cash, registration fees, 50/50 receipts etc.) into the Club account at Wells Fargo Bank, and handle other banking as required.
The Treasurer will be responsible for maintaining the Club’s Non-Profit Corporation Status within the State of Arizona and the Federal Government which includes the Clubs’ Employee Identification Number (EIN) and filing annual tax returns on a timely basis. To this purpose the Treasurers’ name and address is used as the official point of contact for the club.
At each regular Board meeting the Treasurer shall provide a financial report detailing all monies received and disbursed and reconciles the report to the Wells Fargo Bank account.
The Treasurer will be required to interface with the club’s website ( to post financial information as required.
The Treasurer is elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected to successive terms with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 5 Membership Director will oversee all functions related to member registration and be the key contact for member inquiries related to registration, and for play throughout the season. Will be the sole board member responsible for reading, storing, and deleting emails that come into the clubs’ Outlook In-box ([email protected]) and forward to other board members, as needed. Provide the club’s Webmaster with updates related to maintaining the Registration page of the club’s website (, to include activation of the club’s Registration link to SportsEngine and any communication with SportsEngine to resolve problems/inquiries.
Will be responsible for all aspects of membership registrations, promoting online registration, but also assisting when needed with paper registrations and off-line payments. Will provide the Treasurer with access to SportsEngine for financial oversight of on-line registrations and payments; at the end of each session, will provide a paper report to Treasurer for members who paid offline. Attend the Annual Wine & Cheese Kick-Off (last Sun in Oct) and both End of Session Potluck/Awards picnics (mid-Jan and end of Mar).
Maintain a roster of players and provide the CWPVHOA Administration Office with a list of non-CWPVHOA members who are required to purchase Recreation Cards. Follow up with any players who have not purchased the recreation card.
The Membership Director will export a Membership Roster from SportsEngine and use it to establish the Divisions. Will provide the Membership Roster to the Webmaster to create Outlook Contacts for new players.
The Membership Director will assign players to a division and will communicate Division assignments via email at least 2 days prior to our club event prior to the start of each session. He/she will create division scorecards and post on the bulletin board at Sisk Park the day prior to the start of each new session. At the end of each session, the Membership Director will collect scorecards, determine 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners for each division, and will prepare a spreadsheet detailing the winners with in each Division and provide it to the Treasurer who prepares award envelopes for distribution by the club President at the club’s sessions’ awards picnic. The Membership Director will follow up to get award envelopes to any players who were not at the awards picnic.
The Membership Director will prepare an annual budget at the beginning of the year, prior to the Wine and Cheese event, and present it to the President for review and approval.
The Membership Director is elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected to successive terms with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 6 The Webmaster shall,
The scope of the Webmaster’s responsibility is limited to technical functions. The webmaster is not responsible for reading, replying to, writing, or sending any email.
The Webmaster will utilize the Microsoft Outlook application on their personal computer. The Club will purchase licenses for all necessary software.
Specific duties include:
The Webmaster is elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected to successive terms with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 7 The Tournament Director shall be responsible for arranging and coordinating Tournaments. The logistics and rules of play for Tournaments will be the Final Decision of the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will utilize the Clubs website ( to announce Tournament events and results and will also generate articles to be published in the SPLASH community publication announcing Tournament events/results.
The Tournament Director will prepare an annual budget at the beginning of the year, prior to the Wine and Cheese event, identifying the costs and timing associated with each event, as well as any planned income, and present it to the President for review and approval.
The Tournament Director is elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected to successive terms with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 8 The Equipment Manager shall be responsible for the upkeep and inventory of the bocce ball equipment, such as: balls, measuring tapes, laminated rules, maintenance of locks, and storage cabinets. He/she will notify the Club President of safety issues and when courts and benches need attention for maintenance and or repair. As with any committee head or member, He/she may also make recommendations for court and facilities improvements or enhancements to the Board.
The Equipment Manager will prepare an annual budget at the beginning of the year, prior to the Wine and Cheese event, and present it to the President for review and approval.
The Equipment Manager is elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected to successive terms with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 9 The Publicity Director shall write articles and take pictures publicizing Club
activities for local news media including the SPLASH community publication and the Clubs website (; shares in the continuance of a membership e-mail roster with the Secretary and Treasurer; issue e-mail communications to the General membership at the request of the President and the Board; post notices regarding Club activities on the Club Bulletin board at Sisk Park.
The Publicity Director is elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected to successive terms with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 10 The Social Director(s) shall arrange and coordinate all Club social functions. They are responsible for upkeep, inventory, and storage of party supplies. They are responsible for purchasing food, drink, and party supplies for the Club social functions, as approved by the Board.
The Social Director(s) will prepare an annual budget at the beginning of the year, after the Wine and Cheese event, and present it to the President for review and approval. The budget may require updated for the second session, based on new members, if so, any revisions shall be presented to the President for review and approval.
The Social Director(s) is elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected to successive terms with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 1 The Audit Committee shall be appointed by the President in consultation with the
Board to audit the Treasurer’s books at the end of his/her term prior to being turned over to the succeeding Treasurer.
Section 2 The Historian, appointed by the President in consultation with the Board, should
collect, organize and maintain past Club records, new articles, pictures and other memorabilia.
Section 3 The Nominating Committee shall consist of three (3) members appointed by the
President in consultation with the Board at the January meeting. They will present a slate of candidates to the March meeting of the Board.
Section 1 Monthly Board meetings shall be scheduled for the coming year at the first meeting of each new Board. The date, time and place of the meetings will be publicized to the Membership utilizing the Clubs website ( Six (6) Board members are required to constitute a quorum. Board meetings are open to members by advanced reservation only. Advanced request to attend, minimum 5 days prior to the meeting, at [email protected].
Section 2 A Business Meeting shall be held at least once a year, following the last session of league play, generally at the final Awards picnic.
A Special Meeting of the General Membership may be called by the Board or by one-third of the Club membership. At a General Membership Meeting all members are entitled to vote and no quorum is required.
The Board shall review and submit to the General Membership business meeting the slate of candidates recommended by the Nominating Committee. Additional nominations from the floor will be permitted and will be considered by the Board after review by the Nominating Committee. Voting will be by voice, or if necessary, a show of hands.
Unfilled Board positions shall be filled by the President with Board approval.
Final Board Members will be published on the Clubs website following the last session of league play and Business Meeting at (
These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of members in good standing present at a General Membership Business Meeting. Amendments from the membership shall be submitted in writing to the Board not less than thirty (30) days prior to a General Membership Business Meeting. The Board shall review all submitted amendments and refer them to the General Membership for a vote, with a recommendation.
The name of this club shall be the Sun Lakes Bocce Ball Club and is incorporated as a non-profit Organization in the State of Arizona.
The purpose of the Sun Lakes Bocce Ball Club is to initiate, promote and maintain the playing of bocce ball among all residents of Sun Lakes.
Section 1 Membership in the Club shall be open to all residents of the Sun Lakes communities.
Section 2 The annual dues are established by the Board of Directors (Board).
Section 3 The membership year shall begin October 1st of each year and end the following September 30th. Dues are payable each October and shall not be prorated for those individuals joining the Club later. Dues must be paid prior to playing. Those joining after the start of the first session may play the second session if dues are paid before the sessions begins.
Section 4 Two (2) Seasons are played annually; Season 1 starts end of October / Beginning of November and ends beginning of January. Season 2 starts mid to late January and ends mid to late March. Each session is followed by an awards party.
Section 5 Where required, it is the responsibility of the individual member and/or Household to obtain a recreation card at the Cottonwood Palo Verde Sun Lakes Homeowners Association (CWPVHOA) for Club participation prior to the start of play. This registration card must be presented to the Membership Manager prior to the start of initial Season play. The Membership Director will provide an accounting of members required to purchase recreation cards to the CWPVLHOA Recreation Manager after registration, Season 1 and 2.
Section 1 The Board shall be elected to conduct the business of the Club. It will consist of ten (10) Members: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director, Webmaster, Tournament Director, Equipment Manager, Publicity Director and Social Director(s).
Section 2 The Board shall have general supervision over the affairs of the Club; maintain regular communications with the CWPVHOA and membership. The Board will determine the date, time and place for Board and General Membership meetings.
The Board shall also determine and publicize the Division Play schedule for each season, including the Colander of Events, all communicated via the club’s website at
Section 1 The President shall preside at all meetings. He/she appoints, with approval of the Board members to serve standing and ad hoc committees, the replacement of Board members who leave before their term of office is completed and Board positions for which there were no candidates at the time of elections. The President is responsible for producing and distributing the agenda in advance of all meetings, including, but not limited to the monthly Board of Directors Meeting, Annual Wine and Cheese, Awards Banquets.
He/she directs, advises, and approves programs and other Club activities; provides continuity, ensures that rules and bylaws requirements are followed.
As the Clubs’ main interface with the Cottonwood-Palo Verde homeowners Association (CWPVHOA), when discussed with Board Members, the President shall relay service or other requests and/or interface with the appropriate Association Manager or Committee Heads (i.e., Recreation Manager, Maintenance / Grounds Managers and/or Committee Heads, etc.) as required to establish requirements as identified by the Board. The President will follow-up with the appropriate CWPVHOA individual(s) and/or committee and furnish updated reports to the Board at monthly meetings through completion of the activity.
When required the President is responsible for securing club sponsor(s) and communicating with said sponsor(s) regarding payments of sponsorship(s), attendance at club events and communication, utilizing the club’s website (
The President issues checks, as necessary, in the absence of the Treasurer.
When deemed appropriate, the President may approve limited spending by a Board member or committee chairperson. Checks in an amount greater than $400 require prior Board approval.
The President will produce written correspondence published in the club’s website ( and/or coordinating with the Publicity Director for correspondence in the CWPVHOA community publication SPLASH.
The President is elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected to successive terms by vote of the membership coupled with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 2 The Vice President (VP) shall function as President in His/her absence. The Vice President shall assist the President and Board members in any way needed to ensure the efficient functioning of the Club. The VP shall assist with the Membership Director at the annual CWPVHOA Open House, and with the Social Director for the Wine & Cheese Kick-Off event, and both Session’s Awards banquets.
The Vice President will also assist the Tournament Director with all activities related to the planning, scheduling and performance of the tournaments as required by the Director.
He/she will also perform other duties as assigned by the President.
It is the intent of the Vice President Position that He/she succeed the President upon the position vacancy, however this succession will require the approval of the Board of Directors prior to any advancement as President.
The Vice President is elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected to successive terms with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 3 The Secretary shall record the proceedings of all meetings of the Board and the
General Membership meetings and maintain a copy of any document discussed at those meetings, including the Treasurer’s monthly reconciliation. He/she shall distribute the Meeting Minutes to the Board members via email. He/she shall also maintain a copy of Club correspondence.
The Secretary will be required to interface with the club’s website ( to post activity correspondence as required.
The Secretary is elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected to successive terms with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 4 The Treasurer shall be responsible for receiving and disbursing Club funds for
Club activities and purchases. Checks in an amount greater than $400 must have prior Board Approval. The Treasurer will reconcile deposits made by members via the registration link in SportsEngine and advise the Membership Director of all such activity. The Treasurer shall deposit all other funds received (manual checks/cash, registration fees, 50/50 receipts etc.) into the Club account at Wells Fargo Bank, and handle other banking as required.
The Treasurer will be responsible for maintaining the Club’s Non-Profit Corporation Status within the State of Arizona and the Federal Government which includes the Clubs’ Employee Identification Number (EIN) and filing annual tax returns on a timely basis. To this purpose the Treasurers’ name and address is used as the official point of contact for the club.
At each regular Board meeting the Treasurer shall provide a financial report detailing all monies received and disbursed and reconciles the report to the Wells Fargo Bank account.
The Treasurer will be required to interface with the club’s website ( to post financial information as required.
The Treasurer is elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected to successive terms with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 5 Membership Director will oversee all functions related to member registration and be the key contact for member inquiries related to registration, and for play throughout the season. Will be the sole board member responsible for reading, storing, and deleting emails that come into the clubs’ Outlook In-box ([email protected]) and forward to other board members, as needed. Provide the club’s Webmaster with updates related to maintaining the Registration page of the club’s website (, to include activation of the club’s Registration link to SportsEngine and any communication with SportsEngine to resolve problems/inquiries.
Will be responsible for all aspects of membership registrations, promoting online registration, but also assisting when needed with paper registrations and off-line payments. Will provide the Treasurer with access to SportsEngine for financial oversight of on-line registrations and payments; at the end of each session, will provide a paper report to Treasurer for members who paid offline. Attend the Annual Wine & Cheese Kick-Off (last Sun in Oct) and both End of Session Potluck/Awards picnics (mid-Jan and end of Mar).
Maintain a roster of players and provide the CWPVHOA Administration Office with a list of non-CWPVHOA members who are required to purchase Recreation Cards. Follow up with any players who have not purchased the recreation card.
The Membership Director will export a Membership Roster from SportsEngine and use it to establish the Divisions. Will provide the Membership Roster to the Webmaster to create Outlook Contacts for new players.
The Membership Director will assign players to a division and will communicate Division assignments via email at least 2 days prior to our club event prior to the start of each session. He/she will create division scorecards and post on the bulletin board at Sisk Park the day prior to the start of each new session. At the end of each session, the Membership Director will collect scorecards, determine 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners for each division, and will prepare a spreadsheet detailing the winners with in each Division and provide it to the Treasurer who prepares award envelopes for distribution by the club President at the club’s sessions’ awards picnic. The Membership Director will follow up to get award envelopes to any players who were not at the awards picnic.
The Membership Director will prepare an annual budget at the beginning of the year, prior to the Wine and Cheese event, and present it to the President for review and approval.
The Membership Director is elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected to successive terms with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 6 The Webmaster shall,
- Pay the web site Host’s bill in a timely manner and submit a corresponding reimbursement request to the Club Treasurer.
- Ensure that the site supports the following essential functions:
- Link to an e-commerce service for Registration and Payment of Dues by Teams.
- Contact information, including phone and/or email links to enable Members to communicate with relevant Club officers.
- Display general information including Club Rules, Directions to the courts, et cetera, upon approval by the Board.
- Post news and announcements upon approval by the Board.
- Maintain a site backup consisting of a copy of the most recent “good” version of every page.
- Configure the search engine and visibility settings of every page to ensure that only public-facing pages are visible outside of the web site development application.
- Manage the registrations on SportsEngine, which is the service that processes the Club’s registration and payments.
The scope of the Webmaster’s responsibility is limited to technical functions. The webmaster is not responsible for reading, replying to, writing, or sending any email.
The Webmaster will utilize the Microsoft Outlook application on their personal computer. The Club will purchase licenses for all necessary software.
Specific duties include:
- Populate and update the email account’s Contacts List with the name and email address of Club members and prospective members. Data will be supplied by the Membership Director.
- Create and maintain email Distribution Lists for use by Club officials. The following Lists are considered essential:
- Board of Directors.
- The names of all active (paid) club members as supplied by the Membership Director.
- For every Division, the names of each Team’s Primary contact as supplied by the Membership Director.
The Webmaster is elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected to successive terms with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 7 The Tournament Director shall be responsible for arranging and coordinating Tournaments. The logistics and rules of play for Tournaments will be the Final Decision of the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director will utilize the Clubs website ( to announce Tournament events and results and will also generate articles to be published in the SPLASH community publication announcing Tournament events/results.
The Tournament Director will prepare an annual budget at the beginning of the year, prior to the Wine and Cheese event, identifying the costs and timing associated with each event, as well as any planned income, and present it to the President for review and approval.
The Tournament Director is elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected to successive terms with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 8 The Equipment Manager shall be responsible for the upkeep and inventory of the bocce ball equipment, such as: balls, measuring tapes, laminated rules, maintenance of locks, and storage cabinets. He/she will notify the Club President of safety issues and when courts and benches need attention for maintenance and or repair. As with any committee head or member, He/she may also make recommendations for court and facilities improvements or enhancements to the Board.
The Equipment Manager will prepare an annual budget at the beginning of the year, prior to the Wine and Cheese event, and present it to the President for review and approval.
The Equipment Manager is elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected to successive terms with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 9 The Publicity Director shall write articles and take pictures publicizing Club
activities for local news media including the SPLASH community publication and the Clubs website (; shares in the continuance of a membership e-mail roster with the Secretary and Treasurer; issue e-mail communications to the General membership at the request of the President and the Board; post notices regarding Club activities on the Club Bulletin board at Sisk Park.
The Publicity Director is elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected to successive terms with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 10 The Social Director(s) shall arrange and coordinate all Club social functions. They are responsible for upkeep, inventory, and storage of party supplies. They are responsible for purchasing food, drink, and party supplies for the Club social functions, as approved by the Board.
The Social Director(s) will prepare an annual budget at the beginning of the year, after the Wine and Cheese event, and present it to the President for review and approval. The budget may require updated for the second session, based on new members, if so, any revisions shall be presented to the President for review and approval.
The Social Director(s) is elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected to successive terms with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 1 The Audit Committee shall be appointed by the President in consultation with the
Board to audit the Treasurer’s books at the end of his/her term prior to being turned over to the succeeding Treasurer.
Section 2 The Historian, appointed by the President in consultation with the Board, should
collect, organize and maintain past Club records, new articles, pictures and other memorabilia.
Section 3 The Nominating Committee shall consist of three (3) members appointed by the
President in consultation with the Board at the January meeting. They will present a slate of candidates to the March meeting of the Board.
Section 1 Monthly Board meetings shall be scheduled for the coming year at the first meeting of each new Board. The date, time and place of the meetings will be publicized to the Membership utilizing the Clubs website ( Six (6) Board members are required to constitute a quorum. Board meetings are open to members by advanced reservation only. Advanced request to attend, minimum 5 days prior to the meeting, at [email protected].
Section 2 A Business Meeting shall be held at least once a year, following the last session of league play, generally at the final Awards picnic.
A Special Meeting of the General Membership may be called by the Board or by one-third of the Club membership. At a General Membership Meeting all members are entitled to vote and no quorum is required.
The Board shall review and submit to the General Membership business meeting the slate of candidates recommended by the Nominating Committee. Additional nominations from the floor will be permitted and will be considered by the Board after review by the Nominating Committee. Voting will be by voice, or if necessary, a show of hands.
Unfilled Board positions shall be filled by the President with Board approval.
Final Board Members will be published on the Clubs website following the last session of league play and Business Meeting at (
These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of members in good standing present at a General Membership Business Meeting. Amendments from the membership shall be submitted in writing to the Board not less than thirty (30) days prior to a General Membership Business Meeting. The Board shall review all submitted amendments and refer them to the General Membership for a vote, with a recommendation.